About the California Chapter

A strong brotherhood with a rich history


Since its foundation in 1896, the California Chapter of Delta Upsilon has remained committed to Building Better Men and creating a strong brotherhood that stands the test of time. Here’s a little bit more about the chapter’s history.

Δικαια Υποθηκη — Justice, Our Foundation

The California Chapter of Delta Upsilon was founded at the University of California, Berkeley, on March 13, 1896. As the sixth-oldest undergraduate fraternity in North America, Delta Upsilon carries on a long legacy that began in 1834 at Williams College. At its core, our fraternity is built around four founding principles: the promotion of friendship, the development of character, the diffusion of liberal culture, and the advancement of justice. Much of our time every semester is utilized to further these goals, as we frequently organize and engage in philanthropy events, hold brotherhood events to bring ourselves even closer, and educate our members in order to prepare them for life, bring out the best in themselves. These can include a multitude of different events, such as charity fundraisers on campus, BBQs, study workshops, and much much more. The result of these events—and the environment which our chapter provides—is the development of a Delta Upsilon brother: a man who is highly motivated, multi-faceted, fully developed, creative, hardworking and deeply committed to his fraternity.